Senator proposes bill that would curb slow left-lane drivers

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Going slower than the speed limit in a highway's fast lane could earn Washington drivers a speeding ticket under a bill pending in the state Senate.

Senate bill 6105, filed last week by Sen. Michael Baumgartner, R-Spokane, would create a series of fines for driving any slower than the speed limit in the left lane, with the amount of the fine going up depending on how much slower than the limit a car is going. The bill calls driving slow in the left lane "obnoxious, inconsiderate and dangerous behavior."

Combined with existing maximum speed limit law, the slow-driving bill would mean any driver in normal traffic who is not precisely driving the speed limit in the left lane could be ticketed. It's unclear whether the bill will get a hearing before the legislative session is scheduled to end Sunday.