Tearful recount of Capitol building take over from Washington state congressional leader

The video of Rep. Pramila Jayapal ducking for her life has played out for the world to see.  Jayapal says the scariest part of Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol was the moment officers had their guns drawn on the house floor and a mob just on the other side.

"We were told to get our gas masks out and at that point, we could hear very loud noises," Jayapal said.

Jayapal heard gunshots, windows breaking. She says some of her staff who were not with her at the time were worried she was going to die.

While others were evacuated from the house floor, Jayapal who was watching the electoral count from the gallery above didn’t have a safe way out.

"I was texting with my husband who was in the Capitol in my office," Jayapal said.

She stayed calm then but the emotions are hard to hide a day later.

"To be totally frank both of us are dealing with some of that today, in the aftermath when we have time to think, yes it was a difficult experience," Jayapal said.

Jayapal teared up during Q13’s interview on Thursday when the conversation turned to what family members had to endure mentally.

"A lot of loving and hugging our kids our loved ones because that’s what happens in these moments," Jayapal said.

Jayapal was stuck in danger for more than an hour while her colleagues were hunkered down in their offices.

"I was sheltered in place in my office it was very scary never had a mob take over the Capitol before," Rep. Adam Smith said.

Lawmakers say the last time the Capitol was overrun was in 1812.

Many House members received text messages to shelter in place.

Their offices are across from the Capitol building connected by underground tunnels.

"The curtains drawn, lights off, staying quiet," Schrier said.

Schrier says her office is on the first floor with window access so she moved up to the 5th floor locking herself in with another colleague for hours.  At one point, Schrier says someone knocked on their door.

"We didn’t say anything, we left the lights off, we stayed quiet until we heard their voices and knew who they were because you don’t know who it is," Schrier said.

Many watched the chaos on the news as they tried to stay safe.

"Just to see that we had Capitol police with arms drawn on the floor of the house, just devastating, just heartbreaking, terrible terrible day for our country," Rep. Suzan DelBene said.

Now the representatives are calling for accountability on how an untrained mob could breach the Capitol so easily.

"I also think there needs to be a full investigation of what the heck happened that it was so easy to waltz into the Capitol," Schrier said.

The Democratic congressional leadership is blaming President Trump for inciting the violence.

Schrier, Jayapal and Smith are calling on the Cabinet to use the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office.

President Trump conceded to Biden shortly after Congress certified the presidential election results. In a new video message, he promised a smooth and orderly transition of power to Biden. He also called Wednesday’s violence a heinous attack.

But Jayapal on Thursday said she still could not trust Trump pushing for the 25th amendment.

Meanwhile, Schrier said she was incredibly worried about the country and also incredibly concerned that the threat was not over.