Teen weighing 55 lbs. hospitalized after 2 years in basement
HELENA, Ala. — Authorities say a 14-year-old boy weighing about 55 pounds is fighting for his life after spending much of two years locked in the basement of his Alabama home.
Al.com quotes Shelby County authorities as saying that the child is in critical condition at an undisclosed hospital. The report also says his adoptive parents, Richard and Cynthia Kelly, have been charged with aggravated child abuse. Bond for each is set at $1 million.
The investigation began Sunday when Helena police were notified of the boy's arrival at the hospital.
According to arrest warrants, the couple is accused of denying food, nourishment and medical care to the boy, who was "subjected to forced isolation for extended periods of time."
Helena Police Chief Pete Folmar says it's the worst case of neglect he's ever seen.