'The Ducks' getting closer to launching public tours again in Seattle
SEATTLE -- They've been training for weeks on land and water but still no official start date for public tours on Ride the Ducks of Seattle.
Much of that is because the company still has to get approval from the city on a new route that does not involve the Aurora Bridge.
Q13 News cameras were rolling Friday morning, as Ride the Ducks crews hit the streets of Seattle.
"I saw the training 'duck' and hope they can get going again because it's a local business that's really supported this community," Seattle resident Brianna Wray said.
But Phuong Dinh is upset that Ride the Ducks are back on the streets. She is one of dozens badly hurt in September's crash. Five people were killed when a duck on the Aurora Bridge lost control and slammed into a charter bus carrying North Seattle College students.
"I don't want to see anybody else who is going to be like me," Dinh said
Dinh is learning to walk again but she can no longer do it at Keiro's Northwest nursing home because her insurance has run out.
"The nursing home has been keeping her for free since the beginning of the year," lawyer Karen Koehler said.
On Friday, Dinh left the nursing home for good; she is moving into a tiny apartment where her support will mostly be family members.
"I'm very worried, super worried," Dinh said.
With the help of the city and state, Phuong is now covered under Medicaid.
"Medicaid doesn't cover everything she needs," Koehler said.
They are following through on their lawsuit against Ride the Ducks.
"We are going to go on and make them accept responsibility," Koehler said.
The tour company says their insurance hasn't denied any of the victims' claims and hopes to find a resolution as they get ready to relaunch its tours to the public
"I do appreciate they will have one person be the tour guide, one person be the driver," Seattle resident Tai Shan said.
That's just one of several safety changes the Ride The Ducks have implemented since the crash.
But the public so far has mixed reactions.
"I feel like, as a military vehicle, it's large and pretty awkward for city streets," resident Jennifer Wells said.
"I'm like 60% no and 40% yes," Shan said.
"They are obviously under scrutiny so I wouldn't imagine them not doing it right right now," Wray said.
After the crash, state inspectors found 442 violations. The vast majority of that was record keeping.
The company has until January 29 to fix those violations and improve their unsatisfactory rating if they want to stay in business.