Three service animals presumed stolen in Everett after apartment break-in

Three service animals are missing after a family’s apartment in Everett was broken into over the weekend.

McKinnon, the owner, told FOX 13 that the family was in Oregon when the animals were taken. A family member alerted them that the dog, and two cats, were missing. When they arrived at the home, they realized that leashes and other items related to the animals were missing too.

"It’s kind of sickening," said McKinnon. "Why do you want to take something that helps another person? The home feels very broken and empty, and it feels bad, because I have to watch my kids go through it."

Everett Police confirmed that a police report had been filed.

McKinnon told FOX 13 that it appears as if someone kicked in the door to gain entry. What is puzzling, is that other items that were worth something were left behind. It’s unclear why someone targeted the animals specifically.

It first became clear that the animals were missing late Saturday night. The apartment is located near 85th Place SW and 5th Ave. W in Everett. McKinnon isn't sure if the animals are still in the area. They've been attempting to monitor everything from NextDoor to Craigslist, Facebook, and everything in between, in hopes of finding the animals.

"You’ve got to stay strong, and have hope," they said. "I’m doing the best I can. I just hope the awareness will help everyone. I don’t want anyone to go through what I’m going through."