Tukwila considering red light cameras
TUKWILA - The Tukwila Police Department is proposing the installation of three red light cameras at some of the busiest intersections in the city.
According to the department, they want to install red light cameras at Boeing Access at Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Southcetner Parkway at Strander Blvd., and Grady at Interurban Avenue South.
“Most of the complaints that I get throughout the city are traffic complaints and speeding complaints. I spend a significant amount of time doing that,” said Tukwila Police Chief Bruce Linton during a city council meeting on Monday.
According to the department, they reviewed historical data at these intersections and found that installing red light cameras would improve safety. Tukwila police are also facing a challenge in ensuring the safety of arterials and neighborhood roads, while traffic volume continues to increase, according to the department.
“I think the freeing up of time will help in investigating these accidents, so I can spend time elsewhere mitigating other issues in the neighborhoods,” Linton said.
In terms of cost, the department said there will be no upfront cost as the equipment is owned and maintained by the contracted company that installs the cameras. Signage is estimated to cost $3,000. Maintaining the cameras at $4,500-$5,000 a piece per month will cost an estimated $360,000. Add-in court costs and the total budget is estimated to be about $487,000.
The camera systems will also assist with better tracking of intersection statistics such as traffic flows, number of vehicles, peak hours of the days, number of collisions, and tickets issued in these intersections, according to the department.
Red light violators will face a $139 ticket.
Right now, the installation of the cameras is dependent on city council approval. The timeline calls for public comment now, selecting a vendor by November 18th, council approval by December 18th and camera installation by Janury 2019.
There would then been quarterly analysis until 2021.
To weigh-in, people can comment questions or concerns at Trafficsafety@Tukwilawa.gov.