U.S. Marshals arrest wanted Spokane felon with 16-year-long rap sheet

roche   FUGITIVE CAPTURED August 4, 2014 -- On Monday, the Spokane County Sheriff's Office said U.S. Marshals had taken Steven Roche into custody.FUGITIVE WANTED BY U.S. MARSHALS IN SPOKANE August 1, 2014 -- U.S. Marshals in Spokane are on the hunt for Steven Roche. He's breaking probation after getting busted for being a felon with a gun. His 16 year criminal history also includes theft, identity theft, and forgery. Steven Roche is 29 years old, 6'1", and Marshals say he weighs over 300 pounds. If you know where he's hiding,  call an anonymous tip into: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. Click here for information on how to text a tip to Crime Stoppers.