Video shows gunman's takedown on bus: Would you have joined in?

SEATTLE -- Every day, thousands get on and off the buses in Seattle with no problem. But on Nov. 25, riders on a bus heading to West Seattle faced a big problem -- and he was holding a gun.

Surveillance video released Wednesday shows a masked man in the back of the bus, waving a gun, and demanding cell phones from riders. When he moves farther toward the front, he points the gun just inches from a passenger's face. But that passenger goes on the attack.

The passenger pushed the robber down the aisle, throwing punches, and other passengers joined in, holding him down on the floor until police arrived.

“Good for them, disarming the guy, without having any shots fired,” said Roger, a regular bus rider in downtown Seattle.

The suspect, Trevonnte Brown, 19,  has been charged with armed robbery and attempted robbery. Brown pleaded not guilty and is being held in the King County Jail on $350,000 bail.

“It's amazing everybody pitched in to basically save each other, save themselves,” said Marjori, another regular bus rider. It's a situation she and other bus riders hope they never face. But they can’t help considering what they would do if they found themselves on a bus with a gunman.

“I'd try to break his elbow,” said Deon. “Hopefully the guy behind me and the people in front of me will do the same and try and help out.”

“I think I would do something, especially if these two were on the bus,” said Dumaka, pointing to his wife and daughter. “That's dangerous, scary, and it's definitely a sacrifice, but you don't want to see anybody get hurt.”