WATCH: Boy bursts into tears when sister surprises him with pet hamster

CAPE MAY, NJ - In true sibling fashion, when Abby Stout got a hamster for her 6th birthday, her brother Daniel said he wanted one too!

Daniel did extra chores around the house and saved up his money to get his own pet hamster.

But as it turns out, he didn't have to.

When Abby's parents added up her birthday money and gift cards, she had $55 total. Her parents asked her what she wanted to do with her money and her response was perfect.

According to her mother Rachel, Abby said "I want to surprise Daniel and buy him his hamster. He has been working soooo hard."

Abby's mom asked her several times if that's what she really wanted and Abby never faltered.

So, when Daniel went over to a friend's house for a sleepover, Abby went to the store and bought the exact hamster that Daniel wanted.

Grab those tissues, because the moment Daniel came home is a tearjerker.

Can you say #SiblingGoals?