What the U.S. 'Worldwide Travel Alert' means for Sea-Tac Airport
SEA-TAC INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Wash. -- The U.S. State Department on Monday put out a worldwide alert three days before Thanksgiving, warning all American travelers of increased terror threats.
The State Department says this alert is meant for Americans traveling abroad, but the department also says everyone should be vigilant, including in this country.
Security lines are always long during one of the busiest travel days of the year—Thanksgiving. Now those lines will get slower.
“Flying is always anxiety-provoking,” Karmel Shields said after checking in for her flight at Sea-Tac.
The warning asks families to be alert of their surroundings, and especially aware in crowds when traveling overseas. And be prepared for extra security screenings at airports.
“I feel pretty confident at the airport but not so much other places,” Amy Emond said before checking into her Billings, Mont., flight.
The alert also says to exercise caution at holiday festivals and events in the coming weeks.
“Malls, shops, schools, and theaters all soft targets,” travel expert Steve Danishek explained.
We checked in with several malls here to see if they planned to heighten security for Black Friday.
Northgate Mall says it will work with national and local law enforcement agencies to protect their shoppers.
“You're always happy with extra security even if it takes a little longer, that's OK to stay safe,” Amy Gunderman said about the extra wait in line.
If someone is acting sketchy or you think they are planning something, don't be afraid to call 911 and report it.
“You see something that doesn't fit, that looks like it's a little out of kilter, a bag left someplace where it shouldn't be, tell someone,” Danishek added.
The alert runs through the end of February.
To see the related story about the announcement of the alert itself, click here.