Young boy opens PlayStation 4 on Christmas morning only to find a crude message
WAKEFIELD, Mass. -- A 9-year-old boy who thought he was getting a PlayStation 4 for Christmas was confused and disappointed when he opened the box.
"He got a PS4 and he says 'this is the best present ever this is the best Christmas ever,'" Scott's father Brian Lundy told WFXT.
But the joy was short-lived once Scott opened the box.
His mother Kristin posted on Facebook that her son found a wooden PS4 replica inside the box with crude writing on it.
WARNING: The post below includes the vulgar message
"Today started out as a great morning. Santa came and delivered all the gifts to my 3 boys everything they wanted....or so we thought!!!
My 9 yr old son ripped open the wrapping on a PS4 and yells YES THIS IS THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER DAD CAN WE SET THIS UP NOW.... To my husband and sons surprise when they opened the box they didn't find a PS4 .... They found a wooden replica PS4 in its place with a writing that said from Cock and Balls with Love. This was bought at the Target in Saugus. Speaking to other family members my 9 yr olds cousin also got a wooden replica.... This has ruined his belief in Santa.... Buyers be aware of this scam ...."
According to WFXT, the family returned the fake console to their local Target store.
"They not only gave us a new game system but they also gave us a $100 gift card as well as an additional game that the original game that was supposed to be in the box. Couldn't have been any kinder," Kristin told the station.