Your Wednesday in 224 words: Muilenburg ideas, Puget Sound health, & IKEA party

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg will discuss the big ideas facing America and the world in a livestream interview. It begins at 8:20 a.m.

Check your Twitter this morning. You may be one of the users who will get to test a newly doubled character-count. In a blog post, Twitter writes that 9 percent of all English will be able to send a 280 character long message.

Republicans on Capitol Hill are unveiling its tax plan today. GOP leaders and President trump are proposing deep cuts to individual and corporate tax rates saying the move will help a slow-growing economy. Democrats see it differently. They warn that cutting top individual rates and corporate rates is nothing more than a windfall for the rich.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee will be discussing the health of Puget Sound this morning in Olympia. Meeting with the state departments of health, Ecology, Natural Resources, and Fish and wildlife, they’ll talk about issues including sewage system inspections, water quality at beaches, salmon populations and more. That meeting starts at 10:30 a.m.

And IKEA in Renton is holding a housewarming celebration starting today. They’re celebrating the completion of the new 399,000 square foot store and 1,600 parking spaces. Besides having more room for more furniture, the new building will also include a larger restaurant and features the state’s largest rooftop solar array.