Dawn’s Dream fundraiser for niece of Lakewood police Sgt. raises nearly $3,000

UPDATE May 26, 2015 -- The Dawn's Dream fundraiser to send Dawn to Disney World once she has recovered from her chemo and radiation raised $2,927, with donations alone coming in just under $900. One total stranger handed Sgt. Karin 'Auntie Karin' Shadow a $100 donation! Lots of tears and hugs so thank you! There's a 'GoFundMe' campaign setup for those who couldn't attend and who still want to give. The link is http://www.gofundme.com/mvdcow For more information on how you can help, you can email Anne Gardner at a.gardner@centurylink.net. LAKEWOOD May 20, 2015 -- The Lakewood community is rallying around a police Sergeant and her niece after the 11 year old girl collapsed outside her school in January. Dawn was diagnosed with a rare germinoma tumor in her brain. Sgt. Karin Shadow or Auntie Karin as Dawn calls her spent the entire month with her in California as her niece underwent several surgeries. Dawn is now legally blind in her right eye and having trouble with her left one as well. Through all the chemo and radiation, Dawn has never complained. “When she was in between chemo and radiation for Easter, I let her shave my head. I said everyone can look at me instead of you,” said Sgt. Shadow.

Dawn, who loves animals but especially pandas, giraffes and unicorns lost her father to cancer, so this little girl has been through a lot. “Her big dream is to go on a trip and she’s never been to Disney World and she wants to go there and I want to make it happen for her,” said Sgt. Shadow. So, this Saturday, May 23rd from 9am to 3pm, volunteers are holding a community garage sale in the parking lot of the Lowe’s off Lakewood Dr. SW. They are accepting donations for items to be included in the sale and also have a 'GoFundMe' campaign for those who can’t attend. The link is http://www.gofundme.com/mvdcow They are planning a car show at the Lakewood Town Centre on Aug 29th to raise extra funds. “Hopefully I can get Dawn up here if she’s healthy enough to actually be there. That’s my big hope,” said Sgt. Shadow. For more information on how you can help, you can email Anne Gardner at a.gardner@centurylink.net. Community Garage Sale for Dawn: