'Dunk for the Plunge': WMW host David Rose, King County deputies braving dunk tank to support Special Olympics athletes
KENT -- We understand not everybody wants to take a Polar Plunge in the middle of winter to support Special Olympics athletes, so now we've got a way for you to help without getting all wet:
Next Friday, October 7th, I'm thrilled to be part of the first-ever ‘Dunk for the Plunge Kickoff Party.’
You heard right: There's going to be a dunk tank and I'm going to be in it along with the event's organizer, King County Dep. Kristi Bridgman -- a top polar plunge fundraiser. "I do the one here in King County and I actually am a Super-Plunger which means I go in 22 times,” says Dep. Bridgman. “But, in order to participate in that, we do fundraising efforts, mine starts in October, my goal is pretty big, so I need those four months in order to raise the funds to match my goal."
Here are the event details:
I'm told the tacos are out of this world!
You can buy balls to dunk me and Dep. Bridgman, or you can even pay to put yourself in the tank and have your buddies dunk you!
There will also be a silent auction and raffle. The cool ‘Kona Brewing’ beach cruiser bike pictured below is one of prizes being awarded there.
All proceeds go to Special Olympics Washington to support the athletes.
CLICK HERE for more information on the ‘Dunk for the Plunge Kickoff Party.’