Teekah Lewis: New age progression photo marks missing Tacoma girl's 18th birthday

teekah webTACOMA -- Teekah Lewis should be graduating from high school right now. Her family should be celebrating the milestone with her and preparing for her 18th birthday today. Instead, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has created a new age progression photo of what she might look like now. Teekah disappeared from a Tacoma bowling alley in 1999.  She was just two years old.  “Actually, this year, especially this month is very upsetting to me because I'm hearing about all these graduation parties, these kids graduating, and my daughter should be walking down that aisle this year, but she's not,” said Teekah’s mom Theresa this week. She contacts me every year to make sure I haven't forgotten about her daughter, to make sure that again this year, I will try to help bring her home. I haven’t and I will. Theresa has never given up home that her little girl is alive and will return. She knows her daughter’s kidnappers are out there and has a message for them, “Let our family start over, you know. Let her come home to her mom and her sisters and her aunts and uncle and her grandma, you know. We want her home, and that's all we've been trying for the past 15 years is get Teekah out there and say, 'Look, it's time for her to come home. These people just need to let her go. You don't have to be caught. Just let her go. Walk away." Theresa will have a booth set up on Ruston Way today to talk to parents celebrating the 4th of July about protecting their kids from kidnappers. If you have any information about Teekah’s kidnapping or think you know a girl who looks like the one in the age progression photo, call Tacoma Police or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. CLICK HERE for information on how to TEXT A TIP to Crime Stoppers

Age progression photo - Teekah Lewis at 18 years old