Cool, wet, and breezy Thursday

A wet system will bring rain, breezy wind, and cool temperatures to Western Washington Thursday.

A strong front will push through Western Washington today. The heaviest rain will fall in the afternoon and should taper off into showers later tonight. High temps will be cool, in the low 50s, with is 10-15 degrees below normal. Snow levels will be between 4,500-5,000 feet today, which means the passes should be fine. 

Both Thursday and Saturday will be wet and the two days combined could bring a half inch to an inch of precipitation to the Puget Sound area.

You've probably noticed that this has been a very cool spring so far. SeaTac has only a handful of 60°+ days and just one 70°+ day. Last year, we already had 11 days at 70° or warmer through May 12.

Temps will stay cool through the next seven to ten days, with more soaking rain ahead in the middle of next week.