Child porn sentencing halted when man spit blood at victim

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — The sentencing of a New York man who used a fake Facebook account to prey on two New Jersey teenagers was briefly halted after he bit the inside of his mouth and spit blood at one of them.

Clifford Wares eventually was sentenced Monday to life in prison. He had been convicted on several counts, including child pornography production.

The federal judge found Monday that the 43-year-old Warwick man also sent anonymous letters threatening his victims and their families. The judge ruled that was obstruction of justice, leading Wares to face a stiffer sentence.

Three U.S. marshals tackled Wares when he began spitting. They wrestled him to the ground and put a hooded net over his head.

Wares had withdrawn from the trial, saying he feared he couldn't control himself.