Grandma jumps on car of Oregon purse snatcher, won't let go

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A Portland grandmother whose purse was snatched at a supermarket Friday chased the thief into the parking lot, where she jumped onto the hood of his car, grabbed the windshield wipers and refused to let go until he coughed up her purse.

He did.

Fifty-three-year-old Tammy Elliott tells The Oregonian ( ) she was determined not to lose photos of her grandchildren, so she hung on while the man turned on the wipers, revved the engine and drove the car through herky-jerky maneuvers intended to sling her off.

Police say the man eventually threw the purse out the car window, and Elliott clambered off to retrieve it. He fled, keeping the wallet that had been inside the purse, but Elliott says it didn't have any money anyway.