It's not too late to cast your ballot on this Election Day
TACOMA - The drive-up, the drop, Pierce County voters keep coming.
“lt’s all about tax decreases so there you go,” one Pierce County voter said.
Taxes in Pierce County to levies in King County motivating people to vote.
“It was the levy to support our veterans and our vulnerable population,” King County voter Carmen Rivera said.
After dropping off her ballot into a drop box in Tukwila Rivera said there is no excuse not to vote.
“I hear a lot of people who complain and I always want to ask so what are you doing? What are you doing, complaining is easy it’s very easy,” Rivera said.
But there is still time. Ballot drop boxes across the state are open until 8 p.m.
Pierce County has 35 drop boxes and King County has more than 50, many of installed just this year.
“We are like an atomic clock exactly at 8 o clock we’ve got election workers locking those down,” Pierce County Auditor Julie Anderson said.
Hourly workers are already sorting through the ballots that have already poured in with new batches expected up until the last minute.
“When there is no deadline people don’t go ahead,” voter Andrew Garbino said.
Part procrastination and perhaps part indecision
“I think they are waiting for late breaking news too I don’t know there has been a lot of contentious elections,” Anderson said.
As of 3:30 p.m. Tuesday the voter turnout hovered around 24% of eligible voters across the state.
Post presidential elections like this year historically have lower turnout than presidential elections.
For example back in 2013, one year after President Obama was elected for a 2nd term, there was about a 45-percent voter turnout.
Compare that to 2016, when President Donald Trump was elected last year. Washington state saw 78% of eligible voters casting ballots.