UPDATE: A female dog and her 11 puppies found in Point Defiance Park have all adopted

Twelve dogs found abandoned dogs in Tacoma have finally found their forever home.

A pitbull and her 11 puppies that were discovered in a bathroom at Point Defiance Park over a month ago, were all adopted on Thursday. 

An individual initially found the family and took them to the Pierce County Humane Society back in May where they were cared for. 

The Pierce County Humane Society said that the emancipated pitbull was found while tied up in the bathroom along with a suitcase holding her 11 one-week-old puppies. 

Samantha LaFontaine and her family were fostering the dogs until they were to be adopted. 

"When they’re going to their forever home, it’s not sadness it’s happiness that they’re going to get more love and more attention and more training and get to start the rest of their lives," said LaFontaine.