WATCH: French TV station speaks to 2 terrorist gunmen during siege
PARIS -- A French TV station and CNN affiliate reportedly interviewed two of the Paris terrorists shortly before they were killed in two separate raids by police Friday.
BFMTV released audio of phone calls with Cherif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, one accused of attacking the Charlie Hebdo offices, the other accused of holding up a grocery store.
Kouachi is reportedly heard telling a BFM TV journalist from his hideout at a printing factory that he killed the 10 journalists and two police officers at the Charlie Hebdo magazine Wednesday for retribution to their satirical portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad.
“We are just telling you that we are the defenders of Prophet Muhammad," Kouachi told the TV station.
Coulibaly, who took hostages inside a grocery store, said he worked with the Charlie Hebdo killers, and chose the kosher market as a place to take hostages because of "the Jews."
An untranslated version of the video is available below. Click here for a partially translated copy.