Both directions of I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass reopened after lengthy closure

SEATTLE -- Avalanche control and storm cleanup efforts are complete on Interstate 90 at Snoqualmie Pass. The road has reopened in both directions.

Eastbound lanes reopened at about 7 p.m. Thursday, after a shutdown of nearly 24 hours. The  westbound lanes reopened at 1 a.m. Friday.

Traction tires are required and drivers should still expect winter conditions on the roadways.

Snoqualmie Pass is about 54 miles east of Seattle and is the major east-west passageway over the Cascade Range.

The roadway was closed over an 80-mile stretch from North Bend to Ellensburg due to heavy snow fall, trees leaning over the roadway and high avalanche danger.

More than 25 inches of snow has fallen in the area over the past 24 hours.

Washington State Department of Transporation crews worked Wednesday night and Thursday on avalanche control and clearing the roadway of snow and crashes.

WSDOT said Snoqualmie usually gets 400 inches of snow in an entire season. It got a quarter of that in less than a week, it said.

U.S. 2 at Stevens Pass and White Pass on U.S. 12 are also open.