Group asks President Trump to change the day we celebrate Halloween
Thousands of people are hoping to change the day we celebrate Halloween! But why the change?
The Halloween & Costume Association, the group behind the movement, says it's time for a "safer, longer, stress-free celebration! Let's move Halloween to the last Saturday of October."
Advocates have created an informational website and even a petition asking the President of the United States to officially move the holiday.
The group says Saturday makes it easier for families and kids to celebrate. It also means there will be less traffic in neighborhoods where kids are out trick-or-treating.
Is this change even possible? Remember, the US combined presidents' birthdays into a single day in the winter. We also created Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Plus there's an ongoing debate of Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day.
If there's really a safety argument here, then it's something worth considering.
The group provided statistics claiming that there are 3,800 Halloween-related injuries every year:
So what's your vote ... should we move Halloween to Saturdays?