One solution to chase geese from cemeteries, golf courses? Call in the dogs

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LAKEWOOD -- The problem of droppings from Canada geese has gotten so bad that one local general manager is calling in the dogs -- at least that's what Mountain View Memorial Park's Dave Salove wants to do, the News Tribune reports.

The geese seem to be everywhere at the cemetery and Salove has tried many creative ways to deal with the problem, the paper reported.

After visitors to the cemetery complained about the amount of goose poop, Salove even tried spraying the grounds with a chemical that was supposed to have a bitter taste for the geese, the News Tribune reported.  Unfortunately, the spray didn't work.

The geese are also a problem at the Tacoma County and Golf Club.

Joel Kachmarek, the club's greenskeeper, believes the solution is a dog that will chase away the geese.

"The dog doesn't catch them -- he just chases them. They don't like it. They're not comfortable around a dog," Kachmarek told the paper.  And the golfers don't seem to mind the distraction of the dog chasing the geese, he added. He did say that it took nearly three years for the geese to realize "they weren't wanted here."