Record flu season slowing down, but threat is not gone

SHORELINE -- The Washington State Health Department says this year’s flu season was the deadliest on record. One-hundred twenty six people died this year as result of influenza.

The flu is most dangerous for the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, but everyone is at risk. The peak of the season is in January but people can still get sick in the spring and even summer months.

“The flu is a killer and a very dangerous bug,” says Scott Lindquist with the Washington State Health Department.

This year’s strain, Influenza A H3N2, is particularly severe and the vaccine wasn’t a perfect match. Despite that, health officials say it’s still important to get the flu vaccine if you have not yet.

Inside the lab, scientists are not only trying to confirm the contagious disease but also see if it would respond to treatments or vaccines.

To learn more about H3N2, click this link.  For the Washington State Health Department, click this link.