Report: 20% of Bremerton residents are delinquent on garbage bills; Waste Management will begin cutting off service
BREMERTON, Wash. — Bremerton residents who haven't paid their garbage bill in a while may be in for a new year's shock.
The Kitsap Sun reports the city and its garbage company, Waste Management, plan to cut off service to people who are months behind on their bills.
The city says about one in five customers are delinquent, adding up to up about $500,000 in losses for 2015.
Letters will be going out to nonpaying customers in January or early February and then Waste Management will start collecting carts and canceling garbage pickup service.
Waste Management can shut down garbage service for customers who are more than 120 days delinquent. At that point, if garbage piles up, the city can issue fines for violating the city code.