Wendy Williams faints, collapses during scary live TV incident
Wendy Williams apparently fainted during a live taping of The Wendy Williams Show on Tuesday.
While wearing a Statue of Liberty Halloween costume, Williams is shown wobbling and staggering backwards before falling to the floor.
Williams, who was visibly shaken prior to collapsing, was immediately cared for by her staffers and producers. The incident happened about 48 minutes into the 1-hour show.
The show immediately went to commercial break.
After returning from the break, Williams said:
“That was not a stunt. I overheated in my costume, and I did pass out. But you know what? I’m a champ, and I’m back.”
Moments later, Williams joked about the incident and asked the audience:
“Was I passed out for that long?”
As of 11:20 a.m. ET, Williams has not commented on social media about the incident.
According to TMZ, the fire department responded to the studio.