'You're kidding' Priceless reaction when family discovers newborn baby girl is actually a boy (VIDEO)

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BELLEVILLE, Michigan --  Kyle and Danielle Williams were expecting a second daughter. The ultrasound said she was healthy. Doctors said she was well. The couple had even decided to name her ‘Charlee.’

Then 'she' was born and the family was shocked to learn she was actually a he.

Here’s how the family tells us on YouTube:

On March 2, 2015 Danielle was induced. March 3,2015 after 20 hrs and no Charlee yet, the doctors decided to perform a c-section due to fetal distress. While in the OR the nurse told Kyle that he could look over the curtain while they pulled Charlee out. Finally Kyle was able to see the head and what he saw next would change his life forever. His expected daughter was in fact a BOY!!!!! He was speechless and told his wife well there a bit of a surprise. Then the doctor looked over the curtain and said congrats it's a BOY!!! Danielle and Kyle were in SHOCK. Upon returning to their room they decided to start planning a way to tell family. When the grandparents walked in they asked Nana to change the diaper. The rest is history and her expression was priceless and caught on video by Kyle. Throughout the day they continued to surprise family and friends and capture as many reactions on video as possible.

Warning the video does contain language that some might find offensive: