12s celebrate the Hawks come from behind victory
SEATTLE -- 12s walk out of Century Link Field right into Pioneer Square.
The corner of 1st and Yesler was full of 12s celebrating one heck of a victory in one heck of a game.
"That was a super game. That's like one of the best games I've ever seen in my life. That's the best was to go to the Super Bowl to prove to all these haters that we're the real champs. They can have us down by as many points as they want, we're going to come back and we're going to win. You dig!?!?!? SEAHAWKS!" Seahawks fan Roberto Singletary said.
Seattle police used a different crowd control strategy than last weekend.
They blocked all southbound traffic on 1st Avenue through Pioneer Square and most west bound traffic as well.
That kept fans from cruising the area but those on foot kept up the excitement.
"I thought we were going to lose but we won. Repeat, we're going back,” Seahawks fan Stephan Donaldson said.
"The game was awesome. I think it was a game of fate and destiny. This is a big deal because to go twice... we've always been under estimated and then they don't give us the respect. I don't know if that is an east coast, west coast, I don't know but we did it and I'm proud and you know what we stuck it out till the end,” Seahawks fan Derrick Fant said.
12s we spoke with say they are already making plans for the Super Bowl... Some plan to travel to Glendale, Arizona, others say they will watch it at home or in a favorite bar.