US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

The U.S. government on Tuesday acknowledged, for the first time, the harmful role it has played over the past century in building and operating dams in the Pacific Northwest — dams that devastated Native American tribes by inundating their villages and decimating salmon runs while bringing electricity, irrigation and jobs to nearby communities.

Local efforts helping to restore region's salmon habitats

For 54 years, the city of Issaquah has turned the annual salmon migration into a community-wide festival of music, food, and fun. This year, there is extra reason to celebrate as the region’s fish population shows signs of a rebound.

Record sockeye salmon for Baker River

It has been a record year for sockeye salmon. Wildlife officials say more than 65,000 Baker River sockeye are making their way up river this year.

US panel approves salmon fishing ban for much of West Coast

A federal regulatory group voted Thursday to officially close king salmon fishing season along much of the West Coast after near-record low numbers of the fish, also known as chinook, returned to California's rivers last year.

Report: Benefits of dams must be replaced before breaching

The benefits provided by four giant hydroelectric dams on the Snake River must be replaced before the dams can be breached to save endangered salmon runs, according to a final report issued Thursday by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Washington U.S. Sen. Patty Murray.

White House: To help salmon, dams may need to be removed

The Biden administration on Tuesday released two reports arguing that removing dams on the lower Snake River may be needed to restore salmon runs to sustainable levels in the Pacific Northwest, and that replacing the energy created by the dams is possible but will cost $11 billion to $19 billion.

Scientists working to uncover mystery of disappearing salmon population in Pacific Northwest

This year, as part of the International Year of the Salmon 2022 Pan Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition more than 50 scientists from the United States, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Russia joined forces to research salmon in the North Pacific during the winter months. Their goal: to get a better understanding of what prey is available to eat, what predators are preying on salmon, and how is the eco-system supporting – or harming – salmon?