Cologne-stealing crook: Help ID suspect who turned fragrance shoplift into robbery
Take a good look at this guy in the Seahawks shirt. Edmonds Police say he stole a bunch of cologne from a store on Highway 99.
The take was just over $200 bucks, but it's the turn the crime took during his getaway that switched his theft into a robbery.
"The male in the video entered TJ Maxx on June 11th, selected several bottles of cologne, over $200 worth and then attempted to leave the store. When security employees attempted to stop him, he used force to violently shove past them and then fled the area on foot,” said Edmonds Police Sgt. Josh McClure. “This guy used force on somebody who was just trying to do their job. We would hope he's not going to escalate his behavior, but we feel like, at this point, he's a danger to the community, especially if he's going to continue this type, so we do want to find him. We do want go get him identified."
Detectives say TJ Maxx is one of many stores that have been hit hard by a lot by organized retail thieves -- a growing problem both the stores and police are working to stop. "People are specifically going into a business, targeting high-value, high-resale items that they can get out of the store quickly with and then go resell, either for the cash, or in a lot of cases we're seeing it to support an addiction of some sort. We are working with these businesses to educate them on what they can do to prevent theft."
And you can help stop this guy from striking again by telling Edmonds detectives his name.
If you know it, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS, or use the P3 Tips App to submit your information.