'Demon Burglar:' Help ID creepy-looking suspect foiled by Edmonds homeowner's security system
This might be one of the creepiest crooks we've seen with how the camera catches him looking like a crazy-eyed demon.
Edmonds Police say he got foiled by the homeowners security system before he could break-into their house. “We had a gentleman come up to a door, just after midnight on June 10th and ring the doorbell. He was captured on a ‘Ring’ doorbell device, so his photo was captured. When he didn’t get an answer, he decided to go try the garage and when he went into the garage there’s an audible alarm that spooked him off,” said Edmonds Police Sgt. Josh McClure. we would like to question this individual, because this clearly isn’t normal behavior. Detectives do have probable cause for attempted burglary for this individual, so we’d like to know if anybody recognizes him, they can give us a call, or if he recognizes himself maybe he can come talk to us himself.”
Let’s get this creepy crook identified before he's trying to break into someone else's home.
If you can tell Edmonds detectives his name, call the hot line at 1-800-222-TIPS, or use the P3 Tips App to submit your information to Crime Stoppers.