Abduction drill helps prep Feds, first responders
TACOMA -- On Thursday morning dozens of cops, federal agents and trained officials will take place in a child abduction drill to get valuable, hands-on experience in the event of a real emergency.
The drill will take place in Tacoma where over 150 authorities will gather to help find a child. The abduction will take place shortly after 7 a.m. and will simulate a real crime. Police officers and detectives will investigate a life-like crime scene and search for clues.
A team of trained staff members will take calls with tips and also broadcast alerts in an attempt to find the child as soon as possible. Authorities said seconds matter.
Lt. Rob Jepson with the Tacoma Police Department said, "The chances of finding a child after the first four hours significantly decrease. By having a program where we can access resources immediately and they're already prepared, they know what to do, that helps us find children faster."
The Child Abduction Response Team, or CART, will work for several hours today trying to find this abducted child. We will continue to monitor the progress and bring you live reports on Q13 FOX News This Morning.