Fight over carbon fee initiative shaping up to be costliest in state history
SEATTLE (AP) — The fight over a proposed carbon pollution fee in Washington is shaping up to be the costliest initiative campaign in state history.
Campaign data shows that a total of $45 million has poured into both campaigns, with opponents raising twice as much as supporters.
The "No on 1631" has raised nearly $30 million to defeat the measure on the November ballot. Oil companies have given the bulk of that money, with BP America the top donor at $11.6 million.
Proponents of the carbon fee have raised $15 million. The Nature Conservancy has given the most with $3 million.
I-1631 would charge large emitters an escalating fee on fossil-fuel emissions starting at $15 per metric ton in 2020. It would be the first direct fee on carbon emissions in the U.S.