Is this the best or worst letter of resignation ever?
If you have ever had a job you have dreamed about resigning from said job.
It's a fact of life and of human nature.
But what happens when it really does come time to offer your resignation?
How about some sarcasm?
That's the tactic employed by the writer of this letter posted to reddit earlier this week.
Now before you get too excited the reddit user who posted this letter, ghaduz, wrote that this was not actually the letter used to resign. Instead it was more of an exercise in venting.
The actual letter I gave her was short and to the point, with no passive aggressive stuff in it.
The letter writer said in the comments section of the post that the job was at a small private school and aimed at a particular boss.
This is how she talks to her employees, though with fewer "i'm sorry"'s and more " i just don't understand why i don't have more loyal employees". I just wanted to be speaking the same language as her.
Ghaduz elaborated further saying the boss often 'threatens my job constantly, calls us all morons constantly.'
I'm tired of the abuse.