New way to Learn in Bellevue: Reading, writing, math and moods

BELLEVUE -- Tuesday  was the first day of school for Bellevue students, and for some elementary school kids, it starts with a new way of learning.

bellevueIt's called the Social Emotional Learning Curriculum.

“It helps work on perseverance, emotional regulation, and how to make good choices,” says Allison Deno, the principal at Sherwood Forest Elementary.

The teachers will continue to teach the kids about reading, writing and math, but they want to do more.

“Everyone needs social and emotion skills to get through their day and life, says Jennifer Karls.

“Successful adults don't just know how to read, they know how to behave in public, says Deno.

 Students learn it's OK to be happy, it’s OK to be sad and it's OK to talk about it.

“My hope is the kids feel confident in themselves as learners and individuals,” says Deno.

To learn more about this type of learning, click this link.