'Piggyback Bandit' arrested again, this time in Alabama
MORGAN COUNTY, Ala. — A man dubbed the 'piggyback bandit' due to years of bizarre behavior across the country has been arrested again after inappropriate contact with a high school student, this time in Alabama.
Sherwin Shayegan, 35, of Washington State, faces harassment charges after an incident at a pep rally, WHNT reports.
"After the pep rally, the football team was going to eat and the suspect jumped on one of the football player’s backs,” said Falkville High School SRO Seth Sullivan.
WHNT reports that Sullivan said Shayegan gave the player a note and asked him not to read it until the game was over. After the game was over, the student read the note and told his mother.
She called police, and it was discovered that Shayegan had taken photos of athletes at the pep rally.
Shayegan has been in trouble for similar behavior in the past in several states.
According to multiple news outlets, since 2008 Shayegan has shown up to athletic events, ingratiating himself with the team. In some cases, even dressing up in full uniform, massaging players, or even asking for piggyback rides.
In this most recent incident, police traced Shayegan through his Seattle-area phone number, a Huntsville restaurant he visited, and the Uber he took south to Hoover. The Uber driver told police Shayegan was getting piggy-back rides at the Walmart where he picked him up.
He was located and arrested early Monday.