Police will not release suicide note in WSU quarterback Tyler Hilinski's death

PULLMAN, Wash. -- Police will not release the suicide note found with Washington State quarterback Tyler Hilinski when his body was discovered.

Pullman Police Chief Gary Jenkins says state law restricts the release of suicide note details only to family members.

The chief says his department's investigation has not revealed any particular motive for suicide. The investigation will remain open pending toxicology results.

Tyler Hilinski’s death sparks conversation about suicide on college campuses

Police say the 21-year-old Hilinski shot himself in the head with a .223-caliber rifle on Jan. 16 in his apartment. The sophomore quarterback was last seen alive that morning when he dropped a teammate off on campus for class.

Police say the rifle belonged to a teammate and that Hilinski took it without the teammate's knowledge on or before Jan. 12.

NOW READ: Stop the stigma around mental illness following suicide of WSU quarterback