Son, detectives hope you can help find Snohomish County mother five years after she vanished

SNOHOMISH COUNTY -- It`s been five years since a Snohomish County mom simply vanished from her home. Police say there is no evidence of her anywhere. Aleksey Morozov thinks back to his memories of his mom, Galina Brown. “She was pretty shy. She liked reading books and stuff like that. Unfortunately, she didn’t have many friends in the U.S. after she moved here, so she was a little bit lonely. This is still a hard time to think what`s going on, where is she, and what happened?” Brown is a Russian immigrant who moved to America 10 years before she went missing from her home in Mill Creek. The mystery began on October 14, 2009. Galina`s husband called police to report her missing.. “She hadn`t actually been seen since the 11th which was a Sunday, I believe, because he had said had gone to work on that Monday, and that she never came home from work,” said Snohomish County Det. Kelly Willoth.

But according to co-workers, Galina never made it to work that Monday, and her car was still in her garage. “She had to take her car to get to work, “ said Det. Willoth. “It`s the only way she could get to work, and her husband didn`t notice the car had been in the garage the entire time, so in the investigation, the only time she could have gone missing is sometime Sunday night before she would`ve left for work.” Aleksey learned his mother was missing from police. “Somebody called from sheriff`s office and asked me if I knew where my mom is, so I was very surprised and said, ‘no’, I didn`t hear anything.” And, he hasn`t heard anything since. He`s hoping that someone can help change that. “I would like to ask if someone remembers something, if someone could have seen her picture and have something in their memory that somebody saw her that time and maybe remembers something. Det. Willoth is hoping for help too. “It`s time. Aleksey needs to know where his mom is, and I`d like to know where she is myself. It`s a case that I don`t have a conclusion for, and missing people, they`re somewhere and I need to know where she is and I need to know what happened to her.” Galina Brown was 57 years old at the time of her disappearance. She enjoyed walking around her neighborhood and would often wear parka jackets. If you think you saw something five years ago, or know anything about her whereabouts, call an anonymous tip into: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. Click here for information on how to text a tip to Crime Stoppers.