Famed jazz musicians to perform in livestreamed ‘Worldwide Concert for Culture’ from Lincoln Center

Jazz at Lincoln Center’s annual Spring Gala is one of the most anticipated cultural events of the year. But restrictions enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic has made it impossible for major concerts to be held, let alone for talented musicians to travel to venues in the first place.

Thankfully, the concert will be made available to stream for free on April 15, with musicians from all corners of the world participating in what the organization calls a "first of its kind high-quality global experience."

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"This concert will bring us all together to uplift and encourage us with the wisdom and insights of major artists who have represented and elevated their respective cultures for decades," according to Jazz at Lincoln Center’s website. "Each will play the song that made them fall in love with jazz, and we are sure it will lift us from the isolation of this moment to the collective memory of a greater future."

While they aren’t performing, celebrities including Steve Miller, Billy Crystal and Alan Cumming have expressed their enthusiasm for the jazz greatness that is soon to come.

Steve Miller: The rock icon is one of the stars looking forward to the concert.

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Billy Crystal: The actor isn't a slated performer, but that didn't stop him from showing off his clarinet chops.

Alan Cumming: The British actor expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming jazz event.

In addition to the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis, here is who slated to perform:

-Baqir Abbas
-Brussels Jazz Orchestra
-Cécile McLorin Salvant and Sullivan Fortner
-Chano Dominguez
-Chucho Valdés
-Dianne Reeves
-Hamilton de Holanda
-Igor Butman
-Makoto Ozone
-Nduduzo Makhathini
-Richard Galliano
-Stefano DiBattista
-WDR Big Band

Clarence Otis and Jacqueline L. Bradley will also be honored for the Ed Bradley Award for Leadership in Jazz. Phil Schaap will receive the Jazz at Lincoln Center Award for Artistic Excellence.

The event is free, but viewers are still encouraged to donate. You can make a donation on the organization’s website.

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Here's How to Watch:

The event will stream on FOX.com, FOX Now, FOX Soul and some FOX TV Stations websites.

This station is owned by the FOX Corporation.