Want to help the victims of the Vegas shootings? Donate blood this week
SEATTLE – If you haven’t donated blood recently, you can help the victims of Sunday night’s mass shooting in Las Vegas.
Bloodworks Northwest said Monday morning that it’s offered to send blood to Las Vegas to help out.
Bloodworks representatives said they contacted United Blood Services in Las Vegas, which said that while they have enough blood for the immediate future, additional supplies will be necessary.
“We know that a large number of patients will need treatment and ongoing care,” said James P. AuBuchon, MD, president and CEO of Bloodworks. “We expect to be called upon, and stand ready to assist immediately with emergency shipments.”
AuBuchon said donating this week will help Bloodworks contribute when supplies in Las Vegas become low. Type O blood, platelets and universal AB plasma are most helpful.
“While our primary mission supports local patients, when catastrophes happen we do whatever we can to help -- even when local supplies are as tight as they’ve been in recent weeks,” AuBuchon said. “Whether the need is local or somewhere else, we need to be able to respond instantly -- and for that we need stronger inventories all the time.
You can check online for locations, or for dates and times of mobile drives close to your home or work.