How many pairs of handcuffs does a cop carry?
Q: How many pairs of handcuffs does a cop carry? -- Angie
A: "Angie, that's a great question. Each jurisdiction and each law enforcement agency is a little bit different, as well officers are different too. I don't think there's any set number of handcuffs officers carry. However, traditionallly we all carry about two sets, as well in our vehicles we have more sets of handcuffs and we also have what we call 'flex cuffs', which are the plastic ones. When we go to situations or incidents where sometimes we just don't know how many people need to be detained or arrested, and so what we do is carry multiple sets, just in case. But, we always get those back from the jail. So, we carry about two sets per officer." -- Everett police Ofc. Aaron Snell