Woman says ‘gold diggin’ dog escapes to McDonald's, pretends to be a hungry stray
OKLAHOMA CITY – This con artist has four legs, a tail and lives in Oklahoma.
According to KTRK, Princess' owner, Betsy Reyes, described the pup as "gold diggin" because she keeps leaving her home to beg for food at a nearby McDonald's.
Reyes said on Facebook that Princess has been "acting like she’s a stray so people will feel bad for her & feed her burgers." Reyes wrote that Princess "doesn't know how to act" and has been taking unapproved night time strolls to the fast food restaurant.
Reyes has asked that people stop contributing to Princess' Mickey D's diet.
Reyes even shared a video of Princess in the act. In the video you see a person throwing the pup a burger out their car window.
As of Wednesday, Reyes' post had been viewed more than 220,000 times.