Where to recycle your Christmas tree in Seattle

Every year, Americans purchase 25 to 30 million trees before the Christmas holiday. After Dec. 25, however, millions of those trees get thrown into the trash and into the local landfill pile.

Local organizations are urging people to take advantage of tree recycling programs – most are free, and more convenient than you might think.

"The best course of action is to recycle your tree," said Sabrina Register, public information officer for the City of Seattle

From now until Jan. 31, Seattle Public Utilities will pick up what's left of your Christmas tree along with your trash and recycling. And they're not the only ones. Pierce County is doing the same along with many other agencies throughout the sound. Even your local Boy Scouts are gearing up to make a big pickup come January.

"It's great to be able to recycle your holiday trees and your holiday wreaths as opposed to putting them in the trash, instead of just putting them in the landfill," Register said.

So many holiday purchases are good for a one-time use. Trees, however, can breathe a second life.

They're biodegradable-- they came from nature, so they can go right back. If you have a compost pile, you can cut it up and throw it in. If you don't want to go through the trouble, leave it to your local waste crews. As long as you strip off all the ornaments and lights, crews will be able to pick up your old tree. 

"We want to take things out of the landfill," Register said. "This is a real opportunity, just like leaves and other things that go in your yard cart."

Seattle Public Utilities said if you want to take advantage and have your old tree picked up, there is a small task on your part. Trees have to be cut down into pieces no larger than four feet. You can also drop off your tree at a transit center, up to three trees per car. 

Many city crews are doing a tree recycling program, as are the local Boy Scouts.
