What is Initiative 2117, how it impacts WA's Climate Commitment Act?
SEATTLE - It is Election Day in Washington and there are four initiatives that voters will be making decisions on before dropping their ballots at one of the 540 authorized ballot drop locations.
One measure, Initiative No. 2117, aims to repeal Governor Jay Inslee's landmark climate legislation, the Climate Commitment Act.
What is Initiative 2117, and what are the arguments for, against passing it?
- If passed, the measure would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, which currently requires large greenhouse gas emitters to reduce emissions or purchase allowances.
- Right now, revenue from these carbon tax auctions funds various climate resiliency projects, as well as those helping people disproportionately impacted by pollution in Washington.
- Opponents say this loss of funding would take away important support for climate-based programs to combat changing environmental impacts.
- Supporters, however, argue the regulatory burden in place now is making energy prices too high.
For full election coverage, head to FOX 13's election site.
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